Northern California Ambassador Dolores Davison
Dolores Davison is in her 31st year as a Professor and Chair in the Departments of History and Women’s Studies at Foothill College. She received her Baccalaureate degree from the University of California, Davis, in history, with minors in political science and Russian; her M.A. in history from the University of Oregon; and she is ABD from the University of Illinois, Chicago, with a focus on gender and history. She served in a variety of roles in the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges (ASCCC), culminating in her election as president from 2020-2022, leading the more than 58,000 statewide community college faculty through the pandemic.
She continues to participate in statewide work and advocacy on behalf of faculty through the ASCCC and now as the Northern California Ambassador of the Faculty Association of California Community Colleges (FACCC). She currently serves as a director on the California Community College Baccalaureate Association board and is part of the Foothill College Online Education team.
Her research interests in Russian theological history, specifically focused on women in the staroobriadtsy (Old Ritualist or Old Believer) movement of the 18th and 19th centuries, led to travel throughout Russia and Eastern Europe, and she continues to research the roles of gender in the medieval and Renaissance European world, particularly in her adopted homeland and heartland of Firenze (Florence), Italy, as well as modern gender roles in American and international history.
As a 25 year+ member of FACCC, Dolores is excited to join the excellent FACCC team and partner with Southern California Ambassador Emily Haraldson to support and advocate for faculty across the state.
Contact Dolores: Email